Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Low Carbs? Low Fat? What is Good?

For the past couple of months I've been reading about various diets and related web pages and I've come to the conclusion that the medical community in general and our own FDA is out to screw us.

Recently, my fiance was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and so I began my research into various diets. I figured that type 2 diabetes is caused by poor diet and with me being overweight, a change in eating habits was in order. After going through diabetes classes with my fiance, talking to my chiropractor about diets and my own research through various resources, I have concluded that the low carb, high protein lifestyle was the best. It just doesn't make any sense what the medical community says about diet and nutrition. Can you imaging eating starches, sugar, and other sweetners while you are trying to lose weight or have a high blood sugar problem? Well, it certainly is allowed by the medical community. The medical community has long advocated a low fat, high carb diet. Just look at the FDA food pyramid. And what is the result of the FDA's recommendation? 63% of the American population being obese, heart attacks being the leading cause of death, increase of cancers, arthritis, strokes, diabetes, and on and on. The disease we face today were not common 100 years ago. What caused this drastic change? The advent of processed foods, refined sugars, and starches. Do you know that whenever a society is introduced to the modern diet, their health deteriorates?

I'm not saying that I'm an expert in nutrition or that a low carb/high protein diet is the cure all but it works for me and my fiance. I've lost over 32 pounds in the last two months without even trying. My fiance's blood work drastically improved in blood sugar levels, cholesterol, triglycerites. I do not feel like I'm suffering in a diet like those recommended by the medical community. If I'm hungry, I eat but I eat wisely. No processed foods, no sugars, no starches. I eat protein and vegetables. The food plan I follow is based not on the Atkins diet but on the Page diet by Dr. Melvin Page. You can find it on

Other web pages that helped me in changing my eating lifestyle and is very informative and beneficial is . Read his blogs and tell me that the medical community and the government is not screwing us over (just my opinion). Also read Atkins' books. I assumed wrong about Atkins prior to reading his works. While I don't agree with him 100% due to the use of sucralose, he has a lot of great points.


At 10/13/2004 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stan.... great page and some very valuable information. Glad you're finally on the net with your own blog.


At 10/13/2004 11:55 PM, Blogger Stanielsan said...

Thanks bro...yeah, finally on the net with my own blog. Hope the information is useful.


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