Thursday, October 14, 2004


I had to make improvements to my site since it looked rather plain when I first started. Being a rookie in all of this, it was very difficult trying to figure out html. It has been years since I even did some sort of web coding. It is a good thing that there are a lot of free resources out there that helped. HTML Code Tutorial was one of them. Another one that my friend Dennis told me about is Webmonkey. I am definitely sleepy...stayed up until 5am trying to figure stuff out for this web page. I'm hoping that this site will attract people and that they will use the links that I have.

The top link contains vital information for everyone. Dr. Mercola's daily blogs are very informative and are beneficial in staying healthy. The second link contains the Page Diet which I am on. Just look under the link Dr. Page's Food Plan. It is a healthy and easy way to loose weight. If you have problems with diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or are overweight, this is an excellent program. Talk about an easy must eat to lose weight and you can eat as much as you want within the items in the food plan. With eating 5 meals within the day, your metabolism will increase which will burn off the excess fat. I would dare anyone to try this diet and tell me that it doesn't work or their blood chemistries has gone bad. If I'm proven wrong about this diet, I will shut up about it. Until then, I will continue to preach about it. Of course one should see a doctor before trying any diet or weight loss regiment, so go see a doctor and start this incredible diet.

Well, I'm still waiting to hear from some companies for face to face interviews. This whole job search thing is starting to drive me nuts! Let alone, the financial strains I've been facing. I'm hoping that I get a job soon. One job does sound promising. I've gone throught the phone screenings and now waiting for word from their HR department to be flown out there for an interview. I really hope it does happen. Yeah, this Island boy might be shipping out of California to Virginia. Never lived out on the East Coast and it snows in that area. I've never lived where it snowed. My island blood will freeze! However, I am really looking forward to moving out of California. It's not that I don't like California (I only lived in the state for 16 years) but I cannot afford to buy a house in this state. With a marriage coming up, I really have to think about the future and....I can't believe I'm saying this....children. I don't see us raising children in an apartment. I want my children to be able to play in their own yard like I did as a child. I want to be able to have my family live comfortably and not struggle financially. I want to be able to send my children to college. Virginia will be able to give me a better financial foothold than being in California. Yes, I will miss a lot of people dearly but I gotta do what I gotta do. My biggest worry moving to Virginia is that I will be farther away from my folks living in Hawaii. They are getting old and time is short. They keep encouraging me about the prospects of moving to a place where I can buy a home and raise a family and they are all for my move to Virginia. My parents are awesome. They have always supported my decisions and always want a better life for me than what they have. What I really wish is that I could move to Hawaii and be able to afford living there comfortably, but that is next to impossible due to the kind of work I do and the low salary/high cost of living.

Well, I guess that's all for now.


At 10/14/2004 6:56 PM, Blogger Yano said...

Welcome to the blog world, Stan!

HTML takes a bit of practice, and there are a ton of sites out there to help you out. Or you can always email me for help, I'd be glad to give a hand!

Best of luck finding a job, I know they're scarce, especially out there. And houses out there cost an arm and leg! We'd love to move out there but we just don't have the money right now!

At 10/14/2004 8:40 PM, Blogger Stanielsan said...

Thanks! I just keep looking and looking and looking. God will get me there!


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