Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to all you ladies out there that interact with children or people that are young enough to be your child. I'm not excluding mothers out there but I wanted to include women out there who don't have children or have lost children but still have been "mom" like to people who are not their children. I think of those ladies as being very special and that we need to recognize them and wish them a Happy Mother's Day also.
I remember of many ladies in the church I attended while in college who were like a grandma to me. This was comforting due to me losing both grandmothers during that period. It was strange in that I did not share with anyone about my loss but these ladies were able to lift my spirits and made me feel better. Chocolate chip cookies didn't hurt either! I guess they had some sort of extra sense that something was wrong with me and wanted to help.
Writing this entry, I'm thinking about my mom and my grandmother. I miss my mom and wish that I could take her out for dinner. I really haven't been able to celebrate Mother's Day with her since I moved away from home right after high school. It frustrates me at times that I am only able to send a card to her during times like this. Actually, it is my wife that sends the cards, but that's beside the point. Anyways, I also think about my grandmother, my mom's mom. She was quite the lady and always made me laugh. I still remember her telling me to get into Harvard when I was ready for college. I still remember the advice she gave me and it has been the best advice anyone has given. She told me to be the best you can be. "Be the best in everything you do. If you become a doctor, be the best doctor. If you become a lawyer, be the best. If you be a bank robber, be the best. Never do a mediocre job because anyone can be mediocre without any effort. Always strive and work to be above the rest." Well, I'm hoping that I'm following her advice. I try to never settle for good enough and always give it my best in what I do. Thanks Grandma for that advice!
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