Sushi in Nashville?

The other day I was taken out to lunch by the company doing the training that I'm attending and they took all of us out to eat at a Japanese steak house that is similar to Benihana's. Well, I was amazed to see that they serve sushi there. Come to find out, there are several other places that service sushi. I could not believe it! Sushi in Nashville. I don't know how it tastes since I'm on a low carb diet but it didn't look that bad. I know for certain that it isn't the best because there is no way that sushi in Nashville could beat sushi in LA. I guess Nashville is a pretty progressive city! My hats off to them!
Going to eat at Morimoto's in Philly would be on my wish list. I would probably eat a cheese steak also while I was visiting the area.
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