Is This Too Much Government Control?
Yesterday I was reading Los Angeles Times Sunday Edition and was going over the bills that the California Assembly and Senate passed. One of the bills made me think that the government of California is going too far in controlling people's lives and behaviors. The bill, SB 7, would penalize those who smoke in a vehicle containing children under the age of 18. However, the police would not be able to stop vehicles to solely inforce the law. The fine for violating the law would be $100.
In its concept, I do agree that children should not be exposed to second hand smoke but do not agree that the government should be imposing its will on us to prevent such things from occurring. It is the adult's responsibility to prevent exposure to tobacco smoke to children and not the government. I do not like it when the government is telling me what to do in cases like this. Would I be smoking in a car with children in it? No, but I do not want the government coming down on me if I did. Next thing you'll know, they will tell us what to eat, how to eat, when to take a dump, etc.
I get the impression that California's government feels that they need to control people because they are too dumb to do anything. They say that it is illegal to use a belt on a child when you spank them, can't use a slipper to whack their bottoms when they misbehave. I'm not in favor of child abuse but come on! I got whacked as a kid with a bamboo stick and I deserved it by being a snotty little punk that needed to be reminded that Mommy is not to be dressed down to. California is starting to look more and more like a socialist playground with all of these control freak laws.
Is there too much government control? Am I wrong? I would love to hear your productive comments.