Thursday, December 16, 2004

What's This About a Flu Vaccine Shortage?

Remember just a couple of months ago the shortage of flu vaccines were major headlines on every media outlet? Well, it seems like this was really blown out of proportion doesn't it? I mean, I was watching TV the other day and they were giving out free flu shots to anyone who came in and they stated that there was no shortage of the vaccine. I am wondering why was there such a hysterical scare of a vaccine shortage only a few months ago? It just makes me less and less trusting of the media and government.

Speaking of distrusting the government, did you know that the Centers for Disease Control has a document that shows that the flu vaccine is ineffective? I was reading on Dr. Mercola's blogs that talks about the ineffectiveness of the flu vaccine. It also talks about that people do not die directly as the result of the flu but rather because of their poor health and compromised immune system.

It seems that prevention is the best way to avoid the flu and not by vaccines. Besides, the vaccines contain toxic chemicals that will harm you. Did you know that they use mercury as a preservative for vaccines? Gee, I wonder if there is a link on why there is an increase in autism and the use of mercury in vaccines for children? Of course the government, CDC, and others have stated that these vaccines are safe. Hmm, if I sold a food product containing mercury as a preservative, do you think the FDA will not prosecute me? But at the same time, they allow drug manufacturers to use mercury as a preservative. Besides, we all know of the great job the FDA has done with Vioxx, Baytrol, and other drugs that they had approved and then had to yank off the market because it caused so many people to die. I thought that the FDA was there to protect us and not kill us but it seems that you have to have many deaths before the FDA takes any action.

Anyways, getting back to prevention. I agree with what Dr. Mercola says about the ways to prevent the flu. Here are some pointers:

1. Eliminate grains and sugars from your diet. Viruses, germs, cancer cells love sugars and starches. They thrive on sugars and starches.

2. Wash your hands thoroughly and often.

3. Learn to relax and don't get all stressed out.

4. Get enough sleep.

For more pointers and information, check out Dr. Mercola's blogs!


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