Thursday, January 20, 2005

The Ending of Bachelorhood

Well, the day of the wedding is getting closer and closer. My days of living the wild life of a bachelor is coming to an end. I'm leaving the single's market. Yeah, right. As if I did lead a wild life of a bachelor or was out on the market. Man, that kind of sounded like a close out sale of a defunct Super Kmart store or something. You know I never really did the heavy partying or have girlfriends left and right. I usually am a homebody and felt rather content at staying at home, reading a book, or doing something on the computer. You can actually say that my life was a bit boring. But, I was happy with it. It's not like I didn't date.

Yeah, I had girlfriends here and there. Some were long term, but most were short in duration. For a period, I was attracting psychos. One relationship was very that a word? Oh well, I guess it is for me. Anyways, this one scary relationship was chocking the life out of me. She would disapprove of me going out with my buddies, would always want to be with me, you know, very suffocating. I couldn't take it anymore and broke it off. Then what I thought was going to be peace and quiet came the nightmare. She would leave so many messages on my answering machine that it was all full every day. She called my friends constantly. She tried following me everywhere I went. I was glad that I didn't have any pet rabbits (remember the movie where the psycho woman made rabbit stew?).

After a year or so, I started dating again and met up with other psychotic women. Well, I learned from my previous mistakes and quickly broke off those relationships. I then decided that it was safer to date women at the church I go to. Well, I guess I dated almost all of the single women close to my age at church. That's where I met my fiance.

One day, I was sharing with my fiance about my past dating experiences and then she noticed that all of the women that I dated at the church were all of her college classmates! Even funnier is when she then called me the church whore! That made me laugh so hard!

It has been quite the adventure in dating to finally proposing to my fiance. I've basically known her for 7 years before I started dating her and then eventually proposing to her. I guess I needed to go through the various experiences before I knew what I was looking for in a wife and be ready for marriage.

In no way is my fiance a psycho or someone who smothers me. Instead, she is a compliment to me and has been supportive and caring. She is everything that I want in a wife and a lifelong partner. So with that, I guess it is not a heartache that I am leaving the life of a bachelor. Instead, I am looking forward to living the life of marriage and as a supporting and loving husband.

Okay, that's enough mushy stuff. Good bye bachelorhood, hello ball, I mean, marriage!


At 1/21/2005 12:32 PM, Blogger Stanielsan said...

Master Foley - Yeah, I encountered more than a few of them in my time. I finally met one that isn't psycho. Who knows, maybe she thinks I'm the crazy one!

I'm glad you enjoy the blog and thanks for visiting. Hope you visit again soon!

At 1/21/2005 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your impending doom, erm, marriage :D

All kidding aside, run!! No, now all kidding aside, peace! And bless you home and marriage make some little Stanielsans and Annielsans and what not.


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