Cingular Wireless...Are They Really Raising the Bar?

While traveling around the LA basin during work, I keep noticing all of these billboards for Cingular Wireless and how they are raising the bar using the signal strength indicators to symoblize it. Well, this makes me a little mad at them because apparently they are not raising any signal strength where I live and thus not raising the bar on my cell phone that my employer has provided.
Monday morning started out bad with my boss and co-workers contacting me on my home phone. Apparently, they were trying to reach me via cell phone for a couple of hours. However, my cellphone did not ring at all. Nor did I get any indication that I had voicemail messages. Only after I left my home did I get a message that there were 5 voicemail messages. I am so disappointed with this phone. I never had any problems with Sprint or Verizon.
With my personal Sprint cellphone, I get maximum signal while my Cingular/AT&T phone will only get one bar if I'm lucky and the weather is perfectly clear and it is warm outside. I would have better luck at winning the Lotto than to get a strong signal with my work cellphone. This totally sucks. I would not recommend anyone getting a Cingular/AT&T phone. Even their voicemail system sucks since it does not tell you what time or day when the person left you a voicemail. I am hoping that Cingular will improve things but I am doubtful of this.
Cingular, you guys suck until you make things right. Raising the bar? No way, more like raising the hype.
Cingular has "raised the bar" in my area. Guess we can't all say the same. :-( I think Cingular is fantastic, sorry to hear you're having problems.
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