Saturday, March 26, 2005

Changes on My Blog

I had to make a change on my blog by removing the Tag board because somebody placed some sort of code displaying something on the Tag board. I really don't know what it was but it was affecting my whole blog page. I really don't understand why anyone would want to do such things. I mean I don't go around doing malicious things to other people and more or less mind my own business.

I know of other people who had their blogs altered by unknown parties, virus infected into their servers and other bad things. I really think that people who do such things are the biggest cowards in the world. Yeah, they wouldn't last 5 minutes with me in a room. Plus if someone wanted to screw with my living place they would have to meet two of my friends...Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson. I just don't understand the mentality of people who go out and do malicious things. I guess they make trouble because they don't have a life at all. They are probably some dweeb with very little social skill who can't even get a date even if they paid for it. My guess is that the only contact they have with the opposite sex is a virtual one.

Well, so much for my Tag board. I thought such things were neat to have. Sorry all but the Tag board is no more.


At 3/28/2005 6:19 PM, Blogger Stanielsan said...

Yup, it totally blows. I'm saddened. :(


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