Friday, March 25, 2005

Been Away Too Long

Ok, I've been away from blogging way too long. It is so hard to keep up on the blogging with work, travel, and going through wedding preparations. Ok, I'll add some laziness on my part. I really miss reading other people's blogs like I used to. I just feel bad for my regular blog friends out there that I haven't done any updates in a long while. I hope they continue to read my blogs. I will make an effort to try to blog at least a couple of times a week.

Well, the wedding is almost a month away. I really can't wait until it is over and done with. All the prep work is just driving me crazy. I bet more so with my fiance since she is doing the bulk of the work along with keeping up with her job and taking care of things around the house since her parents are ill. Work for me has been good and steady but the bulk of the work is done in the evenings and I've been doing a lot of stuff on my end to get ready for the wedding between service calls, plus spending time with my fiance is making it very difficult to blog regularly like before. Ok, I'm done whining about my lack of blogging. Anyways, to my regular blog readers I hope you come back and visit again.

Let's see, I did say that I was up in Northern California for work. Well, I'm back to my home base in Southern California. I was great being up north for a week. I kind of liked it up there but I am glad to sleep in my own bed. There is nothing like sleeping in your own bed. It's kind of like wearing your own clothes and not wearing borrowed clothes I guess. While I was up north, I received a new van from my company. It is great to ride a new vehicle...ah, that new car smell. Some how I really like that smell. I noticed that other people enjoy that smell also. I wonder why? Is it because it is engraved in our minds having it associated with something new and wonderful? I mean that new car smell is just all the fabric and plastics outgassing their chemicals. I wonder if it is safe since the smell is from man made chemicals?


At 3/25/2005 1:27 PM, Blogger Stacey said...

glad you're back...but really the girl does all the wedding hubby just grinned and nodded and had to listen to me talk on and on and on about it...could that be tiring you out/???? :)

At 3/25/2005 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back to blogging. I'm sure your fiance is making things as painless for you as possible. --Annette

At 3/26/2005 10:18 PM, Blogger Stanielsan said...

master foley - thanks, I will need it.

stacey - yeah, all the nodding is putting a kink in my neck!

Annette - yeah, my fiance is doing most of the work. Although she sometimes overwhelms me with so much detail. A more condensed version would be great.


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