Sucky Weather

We've been experiencing a lot of rain in LA. It totally sucks! I heard on the news that this has been the 5th wettest year in LA and that the rainfall total for this year is almost 3 times greater than Seattle. I'm just tired of this rain. Everything getting damp, wet and cold.
It seems that Angelinos get really stupid when it comes to rain. For instance, driving on the freeways can be extrememly hazardous to ones health. It almost feels that it is safer being a convinience store clerk working the midnight shift is safer than driving on LA's freeways when it is raining. There are so many jerks that don't know how to drive in the rain. The California Highway Patrol reported over 250 accidents on the freeways due to the rain. I keep seeing idiots going over 70 MPH when it is pouring rain. I also see a lot of tailgaters out there. It angers me that these idiots don't have a regard for other people's lives or property. They drive recklessly on rain slickened roads and act as if nothing could happen to them. It makes me glad when I see a CHP officer pull someone over for driving like an idiot when it is raining.
Well, this weather is not helping me fight off this cold. Because of my work, I have to drive all over Southern California and thus I get to be exposed to the rain whenever I have to unload my work van. On top of that, it doesn't help that the clinics and hospitals don't know about a thing called heat. It gets awfully cold at times when I have to work on hospital equipment. So far, I have been keeping my cold at bay with lots of water and echinacea. I'm glad it is just a head cold and no fever...yet. I hope it doesn't happen. I can live with a head cold somewhat but once a fever sets in, my world becomes rather crappy.
There have been a bunch of landslides destroying numerous homes in the LA/OC area. I kind of feel sorry for them but at the same time didn't they think that living on a side of a hill or on top of a hill would pose a risk? Hello! Hmmm....lots of rain, dirt on a hill...landslide? I guess some people really don't think about such things. Too bad for them. I bet they do now.
Yeah, I guess I am rambling on this blog. Well, it helps me to clear up my head literally. I mean my head is so stuffed up and my ears are all plugged up. Is this how a pressure cooker feels? It kind of helps when I get to sneeze since the chuncks coming out helps me to breath. Hehe, don't get an image! Well, time to get ready for work. I got to go to the airport and pick up a part for work. Gee, I get to drive on the freeway again in this rain with all them idiots out there. Wish me luck!
Hi there: Just popping by...
You could always move to CT and join me in the millionth snow storm this winter. Ah, let see that should amount to approximately 12 feet of snow this month already. You should see the drivers once they get some snow under them there tires. WHoooee! Let's go skiing everybody... It's crash bandicoot city. Oh, and let us not forget the beauty of below zero pipefreezing wallshuddering temperatures. I miss summer. I'll never complain about the humidity again.
Hope it's getting better over there and you are safe from some of the damage of mudslides and such!!! Thinking of you!
Yuck, the stuffed up head! The worst feeling in the world next to burning your entire body with acid. Keep the echinachea going. Hope you feel better soon.
laurenbove - No thank you on moving to CT with the snow. I'm an island guy...we don't do snow very well. Brrr....the thought makes things shrivel.
stacy - The storms have let up for now but there's still landslides going on. I'm in a safe area...rather flat. Thanks for the thoughts!
darlene - Yup, got the echinacea going and my cold is on its last legs.
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