Monday, March 07, 2005

Up In Northern California

Well, it has been a few days since I've blogged and I miss it. I've been so busy with work and with cleaning my apartment that I just didn't have time to do any blogging. So, here I am blogging in my hotel room in Northern California near Napa.

Basically, my boss wanted me to come up and work with him in this area so he could evaluate me on what I know and how much more training I need before I get to go out and take service calls on my own. He called me this morning and asked if I could come up this week to work out here. So, I did a load of laundry, packed up my suitcase and drove up here in record time.

The drive out here was surprising pleasant. With all the rains that we had, the way up here was lush with greenery and with many wildflowers in bloom. Of course there were the idiot race car drivers out there thinking that the freeway is the Indy 500. So I really couldn't appreciate the view like I wanted to.

On the way up here, I made a couple of stops for gas and to release the internal flood gates. At these stops, I would observe the people around me. There was one person that was a bit interesting. I was trying to figure out if this person was an extremely ugly woman or an extremely femine guy. The first thing that came to mind was the character from Saturday Night Live called Pat. I mean I couldn't figure if this person was a man or a woman. I just found that pretty funny. Have any of you ever seen a person like that?

One thing I know when I travel away from home is that I miss my fiance. I never really felt that way about anyone before so this feeling is still new to me. I guess it's just something I need to get used to. I'll just leave it at that to spare everyone the mushy stuff.


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