Thursday, April 14, 2005

This is Crazy

Well, I finally found some time to blog again. It is such a drag that I can't blog on a regular basis this past few weeks. I have so many things to blog about but it just seems that there isn't enough time to do it with so many things going on.

The cleaning of the apartment is going rather well with my fiance leading the way. She has been like my cleaning savior. I finally can see the carpet in some of my rooms! She is such a great lady in that she could easily tease me about my lack of upkeep of my apartment or be totally disgusted with my tendency to be like the character "Oscar" in the old TV series, "The Odd Couple". My biggest fear is that my parents will complain about my apartment being so messy even though it's been cleaned. Yeah, my mom is kind of a neat freak and growing up, it was a bit difficult but at the same time she was not being unreasonable. Somehow, I managed to keep my room nice and clean but I've kind of lost that touch after I moved away from home. I now have been reacquainted with that mentality now that I'm getting married...well, I better have or I'll know I won't hear the end of it from her...hehe.

I can't believe it but the marriage is just around the corner. In 16 days I will be married. No longer longer being able to take of the socks and plop them in the living room while I scratch my...oh never mind. At least I won't be coming home to an empty and messy apartment after I am done with work for the day. Ever since I left home, I hated that feeling of coming back to where I was living...alone. I got used to it over the years but it sure is a great feeling of returning to your home when someone you love is there. Ok, enough of the mushiness.

My main concern after the honeymoon is the femanization of my apartment. I mean, I'm sure she will be decorating the place with her feminine touch. You know, like candles, pictures, knicknacks. I'm just so used to having bare walls with the occassional decoration on the coffee table of stack of empty pizza boxes and a pyramid of beer cans. I once decorated a ceiling of an apartment with beer bottle caps. I had a great design going of various circles and other geometric shapes. Yeah, such a bachelor. Well, I guess my places does need major decorating to make it feel more warm and inviting.


At 4/18/2005 6:54 PM, Blogger Yano said...

16 days til you guys are married? WOW!!!

I'm so happy for you guys, please tell your lovely lady congrats and how much I miss her!


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